- Eggplants
- Eggroll skins
- Eggroll wrappers
- Egusi seeds
- Egyptian bean
- Egyptian lentil
- Egyptian pea
- Egyptian white broad bean
- Ehuru seeds
- Elche honeydew
- Elderberry
- Elephant garlic
- Elephant's ear
- Elicoidali
- Elixer longae vitae
- Elixer longæ vitæ
- Elstar apple
- Emmental
- Emmentaler
- Emmenthal
- Emmenthaler
- Empanada wrappers
- Empeltre olive
- Empire apple
- Emu
- Enchilada sauce
- Endigia
- Endive
- English cucumber
- English cut roast
- English muffin
- English pea
- English roast
- English short ribs
- English steak
- English toffee
- English tomato
- Enok
- Enoki mushroom
- Enokidake
- Enokitake
- Enterprise apple
- Entrecote
- Epazote
- Epices parisiennes
- Epoisses
- Epoisses de bourgogne
- Eringii mushroom
- Eryngii mushroom
- Escargot shell
- Escarole
- Escobar
- Esrom
- Essential oils
- Ethiopian black barley
- Ethiopian flat bread
- Ethiopian spice mix
- European condiments
- European cucumber
- European herb & spice mixes
- European herbs
- European john dory
- European soldier bean
- European spices
- European sweet pepper
- European-style butter
- Evaporated milk
- Ewe's milk cheese
- Excelsior
- Explorateur
- Expressed almond oil
- Extra-firm tofu
- Extract of malted barley
- Extracts
- Eye of goat bean
- Eye of round steak
- Eye of the goat bean
- Eye of the round
- Eye round roast
- Eye round steak
- Eye steak