Создатель: Catherine Pappas

What's your favorite fruit?

Catherine Pappas
Catherine Pappas 24 апреля 2010

What is your favorite baking fruit?
My Dad loved apple and blueberry pie. I recently made a blueberry crumb cake. Another favorite dessert of mine is apple crumb. I would have to say that my favorites are apples and blueberries too.

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Foodessa 10 мая 2010, 10:23
Re: What's your favorite fruit?

I see that no one wanted to answer this one...is it because for many like myself...one favorite fruit is difficult to pick?!?
I LOVE tropical fruits...pick only one...practically impossible.
So if I may...here are just a few: Mango, Papaya, Pineapple.
Berries of any kind...especially with strawberry season soon at our doorstep...are a very welcome treat.
And...yes the all dependable apple. I do love them especially fresh off the tree...but mostly in my favorite baked desserts.
So, there Catherine...sorry if I couldn't pick just one...but I thought you may have wanted some sort of response on a very unfair question ;0))
Thanks for having started this group...looking forward to seeing what the future brings.
Flavourful wishes, Claudia

Catherine Pappas
Catherine Pappas 16 мая 2010, 17:05
Re: What's your favorite fruit?

I love all those fruits too Claudia! Picking one fruit is indeed difficult! I must admit, I cannot pick just one either!
