Создатель: Claudia lamascolo

Hard cooked eggs

A.L. Wiebe
A.L. Wiebe 14 июня 2011

I had read somewhere that if you salt the water used for boiling eggs, it will keep the shells from cracking. Hmmm...okay I have tried it a few times and have had no cracked shells. I did it again yesterday to show my hubby my new trick. Again, success!
However, it would have been much more impressive if I'd remembered to set the timer and the eggs weren't overcooked lol. Oh well, we ate them anyway.
Try it and let me know if salting the water works for you too!

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Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo 14 июня 2011, 17:07
Re: Hard cooked eggs

thanks for posting this tip I have always done that and your right amazingly enough it works! thanks again~
