Создатель: Claudia lamascolo

Fresh squash battered & frozen to fry later >>

Frances L. Brown
Frances L. Brown 13 февраля 2012

My brother says he does this every year with no problems but I am a little apprehinsive re: is the squash going to be mushy or all stuck to gether? Do anyone of you have any ideas on how to do this?

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Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo 25 февраля 2012, 11:01
Re: Fresh squash battered & frozen to fry later >>

Actually I tried it last year. The only way I can use it was grated that it wasn't mushy. I used zucchini grated in omelets, cakes etc. Once thawed blotted dry with paper towels it still worked great! Hope that helps. I was very successful with eggplant sliced thick no problems freezing that raw sliced and added to zip lock bags!
