Создатель: Claudia lamascolo

Tips on Chicken

Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo 10 января 2012

Grilling and Broiling Tips:
To prevent dryness, leave the skin on the chicken during cooking, which helps preserves the chicken's natural moisture.
Be sure racks are clean and coat them with vegetable oil or a nonstick vegetable oil spray to help prevent sticking.
When grilling, aromatic woods, such as hickory, mesquite or cherry, can be added to the preheated coals to give the chicken a distinctive flavor.
Place smaller pieces of chicken around the outer edges, further away from the main heat source, to allow them to cook slower.
Do not use a fork to turn the chicken as it cooks. The piercing causes the juices to escape.
To speed grilling or broiling time, partially cook the chicken in the microwave first. Microwave on high approximately 4 to 5 minutes per pound, or 3 to 4 minutes if using cut up parts. Grill or broil the microwaved pieces of chicken immediately to finish cooking.

Tenderness Tips:
Avoid freezing whenever possible to eliminate additional moisture loss during thawing, which results in less tender meat.
Keep chicken from drying out in the refrigerator by keeping it tightly wrapped. If the chicken dries out, it will become tough.
Leaving the skin on the chicken, when cooking it, helps to hold in juices, which increases tenderness.
To keep breast area of chicken from drying out during roasting, place a piece of foil over this area. Remove during last 30 minutes of roasting time to allow the skin to brown properly.
Cook chicken to the proper temperature, because undercooking the chicken will cause it to be tough and overcooking the chicken causes loss of moisture, making the chicken drier.
Let roasted chicken rest for 10 to 15 minutes before carving to allow juices to be distributed throughout the meat. Standing the chicken up with bottom end up allows more juices to run into the drier breast area.
Cutting meat across the grain will produce slices with shorter fibers, resulting in more tender pieces.
When adding cooked chicken to dishes that have a long cooking time, it is best to use dark meat because it will stay moist longer than white meat.

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Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo 10 января 2012, 13:36
Re: Tips on Chicken

Freezing Tips:
Use moisture proof wrap or bags when freezing chicken. Wax paper is not moisture proof and should not be used because it would not hold the moisture in the meat.
Be sure all packages are marked with the content and the date the chicken was frozen.
Wrapping individual chicken parts in foil or with freezer wrap and then placing in a freezer bag will allow you to take out only the number of pieces you will need.
Freeze fresh chicken as soon as possible to maintain the best quality.
Store frozen chicken in a freezer unit to obtain maximum storage time.
Thaw frozen chicken using one of three methods: in the refrigerator; in a cold water bath, changing the water every 30 minutes; or in the microwave. NEVER thaw chicken at room temperature

Thawing Tips:
Be sure the chicken, particularly a large whole bird, is defrosted thoroughly to ensure proper cooking. Place a hand inside the cavity of the chicken to check for ice crystals. If any crystals are present, more thawing time is needed.
Thawed chicken should be cooked as soon as possible. If not using the chicken immediately, store in the refrigerator and use within 24 hours of thawing.
Remove the giblets from the cavity of a whole chicken as soon as thawing allows.
While the chicken is thawing, be sure drippings do not contaminate other food or preparation surfaces.
