Создатель: judee

vegetarian pesach main dish?

Donna Cohen Avery
Donna Cohen Avery 17 марта 2012

Does anyone have a delicious vegetarian main dish option for Pesach? I will be making the standard brisket and chicken but I have some vegetarian guests so I want another main dish for them. Any ideas?

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lisa sherman
lisa sherman 11 апреля 2012, 13:48
Re: vegetarian pesach main dish?

I have a recipe for sephardic zucchini pie with farmers cheese. If you are interested I can post it.


judee 05 апреля 2013, 01:03
Re: vegetarian pesach main dish?

check out www.glutenfreematters.com

judee 05 апреля 2013, 01:04
Re: vegetarian pesach main dish?

Do you have any Passover recipes you could post in the Passover section on Cook Eat Share..?
