Создатель: J BELL

how large of a turkey?
04 декабря 2010, 02:04
Re: how large of a turkey?
I think the DVD said it will take up to a 17lb turkey, and a 13lb ham. I cooked a 13.25 lb turkey and it was fabulous!

01 марта 2012, 10:07
Re: how large of a turkey?
u did 16lbs Turkey and it was the moistest turkey i ever had except for my sis in law German Turkey cooked stove top
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I have a Nu Wave oven! Now how the heck do I use this thing? Where do I store it.
Follow along as I learn to use my oven and please share also with the group your efforts - even if they are not as good as you would like. We can all learn from that as well.
Join up then what are you waiting for LOL
Hugz J
Follow along as I learn to use my oven and please share also with the group your efforts - even if they are not as good as you would like. We can all learn from that as well.
Join up then what are you waiting for LOL
Hugz J