Создатель: Ted Brooks

I love cajun food!

Peggy Richardson
29 декабря 2008
I would like to find a really good recipe for jambalaya. I had one a few years ago that was foolproof and lost it. Also does anyone know of any place in the San Jose, CA area to buy turducken?

Ted Brooks
25 марта 2009, 06:41
Re: I love cajun food!
You can get them turducken here:
I've never seen it anywhere, but there are a couple of cajun restaurants in the area.
Good luck
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New Orleans, Creole and Cajun style…
Recipes germane to the culture and people of the New Orleans region. This is a group this site needs. Although I live in California, I have a special fondness for New Orleans cuisine and selfishly hope to get more recipes than I can give.