Создатель: Nancy Miyasaki

rating system

becky kim
becky kim 18 сентября 2008

It may make more sense to have the rating as an option when posting your own recipe. Or maybe there was a broader reason why the person has to rate their own recipe? It would be helpful for me if the ratings were based on the experiences of the people testing out the recipe.

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Nancy Miyasaki
Nancy Miyasaki 21 сентября 2008, 14:00
Re: rating system

Hi Becky...the reason for having the chef rate their own recipes is based on my own experience. Initially, it is likely that no one has tasted the recipe but the chef themself. So the chef's own rating is the only indicator of how good it is. For example, I've entered recipes that I rate anywhere from about a 3.5 to a 5.0. If it's below a 3.5, I probably don't enter it at all. But I figure it's important for people to know which of my recipes are my absolute favorites, and which are just solid recipes but not spectacular.

I agree with you that other people's ratings are potentially even more valuable--since there is less bias. But I think allowing a chef to rate their own recipes encourages others to try them...which leads hopefully to more ratings.

Does that logic make sense?

Amos Miller
Amos Miller 04 марта 2011, 23:51
Re: rating system

Michelle - you are always logical.
