Создатель: Chef Smith

July 25 - National Hot Fudge Sundae Day

Chef Smith
Chef Smith 09 августа 2012

It's July 25 Go ahead. Order a double hot fudge sundae. Perfect excuse: It’s National Hot Fudge Sundae Day.

The evolution of this incredible dessert is convoluted by a number of inventors. “Sundae” apparently resulted when druggist Chester Platt in 1892 attempted to trademark “Sunday” for his cherry syrup and ice cream concoction. His competitors’ name stuck.

The technique was a hit, and remains so, mainly due to the contrasting temperatures. The hot fudge softens hard ice cream into something similar to frozen custard. Sundaes can be any ice cream flavor, but vanilla is the standard.

Ice Cream Sundae Basics

1 large scoop vanilla ice cream
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup, heated
2 teaspoons chopped nuts or sprinkles
whipped cream (optional)
1 maraschino cherry

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