Создатель: Dominick Chirichillo

About Domenico Wine Club

Our Club
Six to eight times a year members of the Domenico Wine Club receive two bottles of pre-selected wine with a 20% discount off the retail price. In advance you will choose to receive either two red wines, two white wines or one of each. Your wine shipment will not exceed $50 (after your 20% discount) plus shipping and applicable taxes. There are no dues and you may cancel at any time.
* A Discount of 20% on all bottles of Domenico Wine & Tasting Room Merchandise
* Special invitations to Domenico Wine Club Member Events
* VIP Status at the Winery! Complimentary Tastings and Tours for members and up to 5 additional guests.
* Each shipment includes wine pairing descriptions, food pairing cards and recipes.
* Access to new vintages as they become available, including limited release wines.
* You can save on shipping charges by stopping by the winery to pick-up your wine.
* Convenient automatic shipments & Credit Card Billing
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Domenico Wine Club
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