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Все группы » Other

Группы — это небольшие сообщества поваров, делящихся опытом, знаниями, рецептами и кулинарными задумками.
halloween place

halloween place

you can post all halloween recipes

cathie avery 11 участников
50 рецептов
So. Cal Foodie Home Chefs

So. Cal Foodie Home Chefs

If your interested in an interactive experience, where you socialize with others in the comfort of your home, with no stuffy, professional kitchen;…

Jode' Hyman 10 участников
15 рецептов
Disabled, But Still Cooking

Disabled, But Still Cooking

Simple, easy recipes that can be cooked from a wheelchair or in a short time.

Lindaonwheels 10 участников
55 рецептов
Chef Medioevo in Tavola

Chef Medioevo in Tavola

Il mondo culinario che esploreremo è quello del Tre-Quattrocento, periodo in cui si conclude l’elaborazione della cucina medievale, nata in completa…

Meniu D'Autor 9 участников
0 рецептов
Cooking Made Easy

Cooking Made Easy

My recipes are for people who think cooking is difficult and takes forever. The recipes I share are easy to prepare, taste great, and involve…

Carla Wells 8 участников
64 рецепта
We who cook for our PETS

We who cook for our PETS

Recipes for your pets. I happen to cook most of the food for my two dogs ...but all other pet lovers are invited to join

Donna Ludlow 7 участников
2 рецепта
philippines culinary

philippines culinary

a culinary group for young individuals in the philippines....the group includes college students..

edna marie tumogsok 4 участника
0 рецептов


Lets share some wonderful egg recipes-we use eggs in so many dishes, don't we?

"Cheffie Cooks" 4 участника
20 рецептов
Debbie's recipe swap

Debbie's recipe swap

A place to share and swap recipes and ask cooking related questions

Debbie Carvell Linton 4 участника
3 рецепта
Seafood Lovers Unite!

Seafood Lovers Unite!

All about Great Seafood dishes, appetizers, main dish, any and all... Join and share your Seafood recipes!

"Cheffie Cooks" 3 участника
40 рецептов