Создатель: Julie Reihl

Restaurant dining - reality TV dictating entrée creation?

Julie Reihl
Julie Reihl 09 октября 2011

My husband and I have dinned out at a couple of what I would classify as up-and-coming restaurants. The food has been less than stellar, but the concepts of their creations and presentations were stellar. I began to think I was a judge in a reality competition on TV as I began to comment on the food to my husband - the only difference is that I had to pay for what I was eating. They would have scored quite high in creativity and presentation, but the appetizers and entrées lacked flavor. I am beginning to wonder if reality TV is starting to be the main focus of how chefs create their entrées and not the flavor of the food itself. Perhaps we have chosen the wrong restaurants, chefs are creating entrées with reality TV in mind or is the public dictating creativity and presentation above a beautifully cooked entrée - what are your thoughts?

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