Создатель: J. Gino Genovesi

Canning is fun
02 марта 2014, 19:29
Re: Canning is fun
i'm a begginer at gardening and canning..i joined in hope to learn recipes and canning..and if i learn some thing of interest in the way of recipes or any thing else about canning...i'll definitely post it.

J. Gino Genovesi
03 марта 2014, 17:21
Re: Canning is fun
Welcome Jim. I have canned for many years--from tomatoes to many fruits including apple sauce. Lets see more of your recipes. J. Gino Genovesi
19 июня 2014, 16:08
Re: Canning is fun
sorry i aint been here..between other sites i visit to everyday life being hectic at times...i simply haven't had time to come here..
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