Создатель: The Enthusiastic Eater

Recipes from our Blogs
Question for you. I've been on this site for some time, and it seemed like recipes I posted to my blog automatically fed here to the site. I have not had an automatic feed since Nov or Dec. Has this feature been removed, and do we have to manually upload our recipes? I can't seem to find a "help" feature on the site, so I'm sorry to have to bother you all with this question.
Many thanks!

Stacy, same here. I've been manually uploading mine now for a while.

I have a question. How do you get your blog to post on your profile? I see a bunch of people who have that and have no idea how to do it.
Lauren, my blog shows up on my profile - I THINK when I first signed on here, I went up to Themess - and it was an option. Not sure now; have to check and see.

Hi Stacey
This happened to me, where my blog post links seemed to stop being automatically adding to CES - I then found a discussion about blog feeds within the 'Ideas for improving CookEatShare' group which highlights the same problem, and Oleg Shaldybin responded to that person to correct it. I posted in the same discussion that I was having the problem too - Oleg didn't reply but the feed seems to have been fixed now, so he perhaps just picked up on that and fixed it straight away - so perhaps try that?
Jenny x
Jenny, I uploaded one recipe since then manually - however, it did not pick up a separate recipe I posted to my blog around the same time. I'll try again.
I'm getting a bit out of sorts; keep getting spam and offensive email (here) lately - plus an enormous amount of new followers who don't seem to be doing anything onsite - I'm concerned. Can't seem to find a "Help" feature on here, otherwise I would not have mentioned it here.
Oh, well - thanks all.
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