Создатель: Derek Johnsen

Fascinating Recipes From Our Past

Although I enjoy cooking dishes from other countries and cultures, my real interest and love is to cook the food that previous generations cooked and that might not be so popular today.
I have been lucky enough to gather together recipes from throughout the ages. For example, even though my 22 Roman recipes are nearly 2000 years old, you might be surprised to discover that things haven’t changed all that much.
As a good example of this, I have added the recipe for Isicia Omentata, which is basically an Ancient Roman burger!
If you have a recipe from any period of time in the last 2000 years, please feel free to add it here.

I love this idea and though I don't have any recipes to offer, I am completely enamored of your endeavor here. Thanks so much!
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Ancient Recipes
I have been lucky enough to gather together recipes from throughout the ages. Even though my 22 Roman recipes are nearly 2000 years old, you might be surprised to discover that things haven’t changed all that much. As a good example, here is the recipe for Isicia Omentata, which is basically an Ancient Roman burger!