
Профиль шеф-повара roxchef
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love your work as yourself, working to grow, I love what 'that he loves me because I' .. I create the cult as a child ...
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Обо мне
I was born in Venice in 65, my passion for food and 'started very young when already' at 1 year and a half roam the tables in the family restaurant, and played with the pastry in four years .. the best gift ' within the sweet oven, 5 years helped to prepare the tables and my fun was folding napkins and put a fan inside the glass, I call nipite art as my grandmother and restaurateur 'was "piron de oro" in 1972 .. where they moved my first steps between kitchen dining bar, to consolidate the already 'in 13 years when I saw my first cookies on the table of guests (and bricoe buranei) but my mess' has been long and not always easy with many stops rising tester by colleagues jealous just because 'this woman and I was very pleased, especially when the big hotels of the Venetian women are a bit' banned, then all experiences are born in restaurants, not 'was easy for me to go out in a world that then was strictly male, I worked hard at working in the wine bars where I took with me a wealth of authentic Venetian cuisine and then slowly in those restaurants but I know ... I love perfected Jinks my work, I started as an intern in my kitchen after they closed the activity ', to gain a place more' field, I worked hard with sweat for 15 hours and studied a lot, I have given and give body and soul everything 'I do, this great art and' the kitchen ... attentive to the world of kittens by promoting ... baby food, and wine with the dish just conubbio Bouquet aesthetic tastes ... and 'what 'which is great work of art, wine complement this great art to all this ... we want public relations, and jars among the tables, winning customers, and' one thing I can do well , and I am very natural ability to communicate what the 'I present ... what about ... art flat-restaurant-wine ........ always looking for new flavors, how to delight most palates ii' ends in a plate class, which triggers the more 'heady emotions, the scent should excite and inspire Aquolina in the mouth ... this is me an innate love for the art of the table ... I sleep in a restaurant .. we are a tough boss, as you must be in our work, pragamtica very realistic and ambitious, sometimes overbearing, I love climbing the mountain to get to the top .... I say that the tuitte takes to be a good leader .. the uhahahahahhaahhaahacetto criticism but hate to be annoyed .. resections to find the loophole even when not seen, and maybe fix it 'art too right?? I watched a lot and stole the eye without asking .... also because' when I started there were no cultures of today and work in the kitchen as she was then I learned to difficileda employee uomeggiare .... .. uhahahahhahaah are also an excellent photographer in fact in some buffets I combined the two cooking and photography .. everything photographers' emotion that leads me to ... if I did I would cook the photographer .. I do both so I'm satisfied ... hobby!! painting .. I hate ironing uhahahhhahahahahahah
Кулинарное влияние
say that the influence of art I had from my grandmother from my dad 'great cultures of Venetian cuisine, and my maternal grandparents where I learned the trade (they were traders, had the banquet of fruit and vegetables at Rialto) then knowing how to cut and prepare vegetables and recognize the first choice of products.
I have had a greater influence from a great cook who knew how to bring the highest level restaurant, quality work 'and the raw ... no canned sauces few little butter only to the extent made giusta.olio virgin raw .... how much meat I got, .. remember that the first thing I did just come into the kitchen were two soups ... ossi.sadano carrot and onion, uhahahahaha .. and the rest of the care and fillet of sea bass and bream or salmon was the fish stock which was used for risotto .... die ... even banned the salt flavor made me do .. an art with the teachings of my grandparents in Port cucore drawing on their words and their screams .... then a chef from Venice that there 's just I learned the pastry for the restaurant .. everything I know that I learned on the battlefield ... growing day by day ...
Награды, почести и соообщества
only three years that I approached this world fantastic addition to what 'I've learned so far, ie more competition ... and this year' than ever I decided to get involved
fic is listed at the 2008 .. although I have not found satisfaction in partnership cooks venice I felt a bit banned as a woman but because I wanted my cocciuttaggine last year to join a regional prize for the winning team of boys ( only woman) on the first place ... and from there 'party ... even the art 3rd place at the Venetian sandwich course deals .. selected to the final of a competition "for sweet food ...
associations also enrolled in online
Дополнительные заслуги
currently engaged 'personal chef ... and baby food buffet, themed evenings revisited Venetian cuisine, wine tasting ....