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Рецепт Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shots
by Kim - Liv LIfe

When thinking of Super Bowl foods strawberries don't usually make the cut. However... mix the strawberries with a little tequila and turn them into a margarita and you are getting closer! With our sunny Citrus Blush already mixed and in the pitcher we weren't really in need of another cocktail, but when I came across these cute little shots I couldn't resist putting them on my Super Bowl Extravaganza Table.

Hollowed out strawberries work as a vehicle for a Jell-0 concoction of strawberry gelatin, tequila and a touch of Grand Marnier. Garnished with cute little wedges of lime these little shots are absolutely adorable!

Strawberry season here in San Diego is a tad behind schedule and I had a bit of trouble finding those beautiful, plump and bright red berries, but we made do with the Farmer's Market offerings and found some that were good enough. Hollowing out the berry is a bit of a chore, and I pierced the bottom of the berry on more than one occasion. Note to self: If there is a hole of any size in the bottom of the berry the Jell-O will flow right through!

The gelatin is mixed with water, 4 oz of tequila and 2 oz of Grand Marnier. When mixing, the "potion" smelled just like a Strawberry Margarita! The next hurdle was to actually get the Jell-O into the hollowed out berries... not an easy feat. Luckily Liv came to the rescue! Suffering with a sinus infection the pharmacist had filled her antibiotics and given us a baby dropper to take the medicine dose. Being 11 years old, we laughed at the baby dropper and stuck it in the drawer. Remembering this little dropper at the last minute, we pulled it out, sucked up about a Tbs of the Jell-O and squirted it into the berry. Ideal!!

The berries were adorable on the table and garnered "Ooohs and Aaahh's" from the crowd, but upon tasting, most people could not taste anything but sweet Jell-O and the berry. None of the "Margarita" flavor seemed to make its way onto the taste buds. So while these little guys are visually perfect for the table, they didn't pack the punch I was hoping for.

The recipe and directions can be found on the Baker's Royale blog and I really think that with the proper tweaking they could pack more of a Margarita Punch. Definitely worth playing with for the visual impact that they made. Next time I would probably double (at least!) the tequila (reducing the same amount of water) and see what we can come up with. To be continued... (someday!)

Edited 2/10/11: Tamera, in the comment section below, suggests using all liquor in the gelatin mix, no water. My friend, Becky (of Becky's Football Stromboli) suggested the same thing

Edited 1/26/12: After the success of our New Years Eve Margarita Lime Jello Cubes, I would fill the strawberries with this tempting concoction!