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Рецепт Pasta Primavera Carbonara; Spring Guilt
by Katie Zeller

Ah, Spring!

All of the bright blooming flowers: daffodils, tulips, hyacinths....

All of the fresh vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, favas....

All of the trees coming into bud....

All of the lovely, warm sunshine.....

All of the guilt....


Spring Guilt?

Yes, my friends: Spring Guilt.

After 5 months of enduring winter, complaining about the cold, loudly proclaiming all of the things we would like to be doing, if we only could, but, after all it's winter so we can't....

Spring is here and guilt follows close behind.

The herbs' needs planting; the potager needs tilling, followed by planting.... And then the whole lot needs to be watered every day until it's established.

All the rabbit holes need to be filled, but first the fence has to be mended so they stay out. Wait, we have to get another load of dirt and more grass seed... And don't forget the temporary fence to keep the dogs out.

Might as well dig out some of those big rocks that chew up the mower blades while the ground is still workable.... Then fill the holes and plant seed.

Better hurry.... The farmers say all the planting should be done by the middle of April.

Oh, wait, today is the middle of April....

And then the gardens have to be hoed and the grass has to be mowed; again and again and again.

Not to mention all the chores inside that have been put off until it was warmer and the windows could be opened and we actually felt like doing something.

Things like cleaning out closets and washing windows and turning the mud room back into a pantry...

Did I mention that the house needs painting and the drive needs more crushed rock and the terrace needs new stones so we can put the furniture out?

And the weeds behind the house need to be attacked with the strimmer to keep the snakes away and the brambles at the bottom of the hill need to be cut back and I really should've moved the irises before they got so big...

And I haven't checked into Twitter or Facebook for 2 whole days?

NOW do you understand Spring Guilt?

It's my personal belief that we were granted such an abundance of wonderful spring vegetables to compensate us for the incredible amount of spring work and guilt we must endure.

I do my best to put it all to good use.

Since I love pasta, what better way to showcase the bounty of spring by making my very own version of Pasta Primavera (Spring Pasta)?

I'm sending this to Daphne, of More Than Words, and the host of this weeks Presto Pasta Night, the weekly pasta festival founded by Ruth, of Once

Upon a Feast.

Be sure to visit Daphne on Friday for the recap.

Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain.

Trim and roll cut asparagus. Trim mangetout, cut in half. Peel fava beans. Trim and slice green garlic, using as much green as looks good. Cut ham into small pieces.

Whisk eggs and yogurt together. Add Parmesan, and whisk well to combine.

While pasta cooks: Heat olive oil in a large skillet. Add the asparagus, ham and stir-fry over medium-high heat for 2 - 3 minutes, until the asparagus are crisp-tender. Add the green garlic and stir-fry 1 minute longer. Reduce heat to medium low and add the fava beans, heat through. Add the pasta. If/when the pasta is hot remove skillet from heat, add egg mixture, stir well. Serve immediately with a bit more Parmesan for sprinkling.

To roll cut: Cut the end off at an angle, roll 1/4 turn and slice at the same angle, roll 1/4 and slice, etc. This gives you interesting looking pieces with lots of surface.

To peel fava beans: Break open the pod and take the beans out. Don't bother with any really tiny ones. Blanch in rapidly boiling water for 30 seconds. Drain and put into cold water.

After blanching they will have a whitish outer shell. Just squeeze lightly and the inner, bright green bean will pop out. It may split in half... that's okay.

If you'll excuse me now, I have work to do.