Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Oatmeal Cookie Bars".

Рецепт Oatmeal Cookie Bars
by Karly Campbell | Buns In My Oven

Do you love oatmeal cookies and oatmeal bars? You’re going to go nuts for these oatmeal chocolate chip bars! They are soft and chewy and full of melty chocolate! You’ll love these easy dessert bars!

You know those old cookbooks that you find at garage sales and thrift shops? The ones that all the little old ladies at church contributed to? Yeah, those.

They’re the best.

Although, one time I found a recipe that called for sugar, vanilla, cool whip, aaaaaaand a brick of Velveeta cheese.

Look, you can do what you want. It’s your life. If you want to put velveeta and cool whip and sugar in one dish and call it good, then who am I to judge?

(I’m judging. I’m judging so hard.)

So, clearly, sometimes you have to skip a few of the recipes in the church fundraising cookbooks. But, mostly? Mostly you’re going to find tried and true family favorites. That’s why I love those books so much!

I found a recipe for the perfect oatmeal cookies in one such book and I’ve held on to it for years. And years and years.

I didn’t want to make oatmeal cookies today, though. I wanted to make oatmeal bars! And, so I did. I loaded them up with a whole bag full of chocolate chips, because the more the better! You could use raisins and add a little cinnamon to the batter, but then you’d be a bad person who prefers wrinkly fruit over melty chocolate and we couldn’t be friends anymore.

Sooooo, anyway. What I’m saying is, don’t miss out on these oatmeal chocolate chip bars! They’re thick, they’re soft, they’re chewy, they’re gooey, they’re melty, they’re basically all the good things you want in an oatmeal cookie.

But, aside from all that, they’re totally simple to prepare! No waiting for the butter to soften. No chilling the dough. No weirdo ingredients. Just easy, classic oatmeal cookies in bar form. Git ya some.

Yield: 16 bars

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes



Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9x13 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.

Add everything but the chocolate chips to the bowl of a stand mixer and beat until just combined.

Stir in the chocolate chips.

Spread the batter into the baking dish. Bake for 25 minutes or until a tester comes out with just a few moist crumbs. Bars should look slightly underdone.

Let cool 1 hour before cutting into bars.

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