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Рецепт Glazed Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
by Julie Evink

Glazed Lemon Poppy Seed Bread ~ Quick & Easy Lemon Bread with Poppy Seeds! Topped off with a Delicious Lemon Glaze!

Happy Easter! I hope you take time to count your blessings today and appreciate all life has gave you. I know I’m so blessed and yet sometimes I forget it. I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life and quickly get distracted by what others have that I don’t. I forget that God has provided me so many things that others don’t have, yet jealously sometimes gets in the way of being thankful for those things. Today I’m making it a point to be thankful. I’m so blessed in life from my amazing husband and two beautiful, healthy daughters, tons of family and friends that are simply amazing. I have an amazing job that I love, a blog that is fun, demanding and crazy, but I love every bit of it. I have a home that is filled with love, laughter and antics that make me smile and sometimes want to pull my hair out, but life wouldn’t be nearly as amazing without it all.

Speaking of that home it’s quiet. Empty. Amazing. That amazing hubs took the girls to his dad for the morning and said you just work on blog stuff that I know you need to do. I said uh YES! PLEASE! I’ve been neglecting it and I’m starting to feel the pressure since I went back to work. Thankfully I got way ahead of things before I went back to work and therefore it’s not majorly kicking my but just sorta. Enough to start stressing me out because I’m whipping menu plans out on Thursday morning when they are supposed to be live. That sorta thing. I’m such a planner that I don’t thrive on the last minute stuff. Anyone else like that? I plan, plan and then replan. It drives my hubs nuts sometimes. He’s always asking me what my plan is and then I smile sweetly and say what plan? Than he laughs and goes I know you have one so just spill it. Yup. He knows me. Yet, he still loves me so that’s good!

Sometimes I get caught without a plan on need a treat to bring somewhere on the fly. This delicious Lemon Poppy Seed Bread is a quick, delicious bread that can solve your needs when you get into one of those pinches. It starts out with a cake mix and you dressing it up with lemon pudding and a few other ingredients. Then once it’s done you drizzle that amazing, to-die for lemon glaze on top. Isn’t it so pretty? Not only pretty but it really takes this bread to the next level of deliciousness. I love a glaze that pours nicely and sets up and this one is perfect! Plus it’s got a little lemon flavor in there too. Not so sure about lemon? Don’t worry you will be pleasantly surprised by this bread. It has just the right amount of lemon without being overpowering. The hubster that says he’s not a lemon fan polished off three pieces of bread in one sitting!

Glazed Lemon Poppy Seed Bread




{reheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease two 9 in x 5 in x 3 in loaf pans.

Combine the cake mix, pudding mix, water, eggs and oil in a large bowl. Beat on low speed for 30 seconds then beat on medium speed for 2 minutes until light and fluff. Stir in poppy seeds. Evenly divide between prepared loaf pans.

Bake for 350-40 minutes or until toothpick inserted into middle of loaves comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10 minutes then remove to wire rack. Cool completely.

In a small mixing bowl combine powdered sugar, lemon juice and milk. Stir until completely combined. Pour over loaves. Store in airtight container.



Things you Might Need for this Recipe!

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