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Рецепт Energy Love Bites...
by Nan Slaughter

Notice I didn't say energetic love bites...that's a whole 'nuther subject, probably R rated, best not to go there...but these Energy Love Bites are rated "G" for Good Godfrey! These are Great! They are perfect for a busy morning when I'm running to get out the door - or an afternoon snack - one, two or three of them will fill me up without filling me out...well, that's not entirely true, probably three would be pushing it, and if you don't believe me, would you believe a football player who lost the love of his life, who he had never met, after she had a car accident, went into a coma, came out of coma, got cancer, died, came back to life...what the heck?!? I watched Katie Couric interview Te'o...poor kid...who amongst us has not fallen in love with a picture? I myself was duped...I was convinced I would marry Ringo Starr...I had never met him, and certainly never talked to him, yet he was the love of my life...mainly because my friend Ramona was going to marry Paul and Tami was going to marry John and Denise was going to marry George...that left me with Ringo. I was devastated to learn that Ringo was already married! Dancing in Ramona's basement with my girlfriends playing "Beetles" did not get me national headlines or on Katie's couch but then I was only 7 years old, naive, and willing to believe whatever I was told...has anyone checked Te'o's birth certificate? Maybe he's just as large toddler?

Love is in the air...the boy and his fiance are never apart, they maul each other on a daily basis, Valentine's Day is coming, and January is almost over...the end of resolutions, diets, exercise...what's not to love?!? But, in case you're still watching what you eat, then watch closely, because these no-bake bites of goodness will fit the bill...whatever it is!

No-bake...just dump, mix, and roll...in no time you can have a great breakfast ready for you and your fam...and you can enjoy them for days! I used Better Oats Oatmeal packets in this recipe...let me tell you why...I could have used regular oatmeal but these Better Oats packets come filled with vitamins, minerals and a whole slew of grains and goodness, already in them! I used their Organic Raw Pure & Simple Multigrain Oatmeal packets...hardly any sugar, 6 grams of protein each, and plenty of healthy grains, like quinoa, flax seed and oats. It just makes sense to use them!

Coconut, chopped pecans, dried apricot, currants are mixed with the dried oatmeal before the melted peanut butter/honey mixture is poured over top...dang good, my friends, I'd say a solid 4 on the Dang Meter! Of course, you can make them any way you want...use almonds instead of pecans, use raisins instead of currants or add in chocolate chips...then you'd be talking a solid 5! With chocolate they'd be dang, dang, dang, dang, dang good! I left out the chocolate, because as you know, I'm always watching what I eat!

To make these truly love bites...use a heart-shaped cookie cutter - they will be even more irresistible! The bites are rolled in a cinnamon-sugar mixture to finish them off...they are finger-lickin' good!

Energy Love Bites - Pots and Pins

In a large mixing bowl, combine the oats, coconut, pecans, currants, apricots and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. In a small bowl combine peanut butter and honey, microwave on high for 30 to 40 seconds, remove and stir. If not completely melted, return to microwave for 10 more seconds. Pour peanut butter mixture over the oats mixture. Stir to combine, then use your hands to make sure it's mixed well.

Make the sugar coating by combining the sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon in a small bowl. Roll the oat mixture into small balls, about the size of a golf ball, then flatten them slightly. Roll in cinnamon-sugar. Or use a heart-shaped cookie cutter, just fill it up, press down firmly, and push the heart-shaped energy love bite out...they are hard to resist, no matter what shape they take! Makes about 18, depending on how thick you make them. Keep in a sealed container for up to one week.