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Рецепт Egg fu yung
by Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche

I told you a couple of weeks ago that I often get veggie chow mein when we get a Chinese take away. Well, I also often get egg fu yung. That’s about it though – I’m not very imaginative. It’s usually one of those two options. Or, occasionally tofu in black bean sauce. But that’s it. Never anything else.

Anyway. The point is: egg fu yung is another favourite Chinese dish of mine. If you’ve never had it, egg fu yung (also known as egg foo young, but I have no idea what the difference is) is basically a Chinese omelette, except somehow it’s so much better than that sounds. It has the most incredible flavour, and is packed full of veggies. It’s sometimes cooked solid like a ‘normal’ omelette, but my local Chinese take away serves it slightly scrambled, so that’s what I went for here (nothing to do with the fact that I can’t fold an omelette to save my life, of course).

It ended up tasting exactly like the one they make. Seriously – the version that actual Chinese people make, which costs me a good few quid, tasted exactly like the one this completely non-Chinese white girl made with a couple of cheap ingredients. I was so impressed with myself! Might need to get myself a new job in a take away.

Of course, I’m still going to pay for a take away every now and then. Ain’t nobody got time for spending a whole ten minutes in the kitchen scrambling eggs on those days where everything is going wrong and all you want to do is sit down, but it’s definitely nice to know that it is absolutely possible to make this stuff at home much more cheaply.

If you fancy giving egg fu yung a go yourself, pop over to Great British Chefs for the recipe!