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Рецепт Clean Eating Spinach Salad Jars
by Dani Spies

Clean Eating Spinach Salad Jars

Spinach Salad Jars – Clean&Delicious.com

It was just a few months ago when I discovered salad jars.

They seem to be all over the world wide web and I just adore the idea of swapping out my tupperware for mason jars. I just love they way they look. And you know what they say, ‘we eat with our eyes first’, and I promise you having some fresh, vibrant salad jars in your fridge will have you excited to eat a salad pretty much anytime of the day.

I use these mason jars for EVERYthing. Making pickles, overnight oats, storing dried grains and beans, as a a vase for my flowers, I even use one in my bathroom for all of my makeup brushes. In other words, they are easy to put to good use.

As for the salad, anything goes.

I just so happen to love spinach salad, so I started there, but you can make any salad you love inside of a salad jar. Just remember, heavier ingredients on the bottom and lighter ingredients on the top.

If you are a visual learner (like myself) be sure to watch the video below and then swing down in the comments below and tell me all about your favorite salad combinations.

Clean Eating Spinach Salad Jars

Yield: 4 Salad Jars

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 0 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes


Salad Jars


Salad Jars

Layer ingredients in the order they are listed in a 1-pint mason jar. Pop on the lids and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Salad Dressing

Pop all the ingredients into an empty spice jar or small Tupperware container. Shake well and drizzle over the salad jar.

Nutritional Analysis

Nutrients per salad jar (no dressing): Calories: 247; Total Fat: 6.5; Saturated Fat: 1.8g; Cholesterol: 211mg; Carbohydrate: 33.2g; Dietary Fiber: 6.8g; Sugars: 3.2g; Protein: 14g

Nutrients per jar of dressing: Calories: 130; Total Fat: 14; Saturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Carbohydrate: 2g; Dietary Fiber: 0g; Sugars: 2g; Protein: 0g