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Рецепт Breakfast Pork Chops - 6 minutes
by Christine Lamb


is not surprising that cayenne peppers as well as other chili peppers can trace

their seven thousand year history to Central and South America, regions whose

cuisines are renowned for their hot and spicy flavors. They have been

cultivated in these regions for more than seven thousand years, first as a

decorative item and later as a foodstuff and medicine.


wasn't until the 15th and 16th centuries that cayenne and other chili peppers

were introduced to the rest of the world. Christopher Columbus encountered them

on his explorations of the Caribbean Islands and brought them back to Europe

where they were used as a substitute for black pepper, which was very expensive

at that time since it had to be imported from Asia. Ferdinand Magellan is

credited with introducing them into Africa and Asia, continents that since have

incorporated them not only into their cuisines but their pharmacopeias. While

cayenne and chili peppers are now grown on all continents, today China, Turkey,

Nigeria, Spain and Mexico are among the largest commercial producers.


heat you feel after eating hot chili peppers takes energy--and calories to

produce. Even sweet red peppers have been found to contain substances that

significantly increase thermogenesis (heat production) and oxygen consumption

for more than 20 minutes after they are eaten.


recipe is on the table in 6 minutes. The key to this fast recipe is very thin

pork chops.


Pork Chops - 6 minutes


2013, Christine’s Pantry. All rights reserved.





a shallow dish, add flour and cayenne pepper, mix well. Season both sides of

pork chops with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Dredge pork chops in flour.


oil in large skillet over medium high heat. Add pork chops, cook in batches, a

total of 3 batches, one minute on each side, until brown. Drain on paper

towels. Enjoy!