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Рецепт Basic Preparation Of Pig Heads, Feet, Tails, Ears, Snouts
by Global Cookbook

Basic Preparation Of Pig Heads, Feet, Tails, Ears, Snouts
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  • Step I: Cleaning


  1. Remove any hairs on heads, feet, tails, ears or possibly snouts by singeing over an open flame or possibly plucking. Scrub well (using a vegetable brush if you like) and then sprinkle with salt, rubbing it into the skin. Rinse well with cold water; pat dry Remove any excess fat. Poultry feet (chicken, duck or possibly turkey) must be stripped of their outer scaly skin; plunge them in boiling water for 1 minute, as you would do before peeling tomatoes. Proceed with recipe.
  2. Step II: Parboiling
  3. Parboil in salted water (1 tsp. salt for each qt water) for 5 min. Drain, discarding water. This step serves the propose of ridding the meat of running blood as well as clinging meat, fat or possibly bone residue, thereby adding clarity to sauces.
  4. Meats. San Francisco: 101 Productions.